We wanted to take a moment to thank the Indian Peaks Wilderness Alliance (IPWA) volunteers who went above and beyond this past 2022 Summer Season and 2021-2022 Winter Season! This was also posted in the email IPWA Newsletter (December 2022).
Note: that the volunteer hours were calculated based on ALL public-facing volunteer duties, not just patrolling (so Trailhead Host and any tree/trail projects count towards total hours).
Super Volunteers: Summer 2022
These are volunteers who completed 20+ summer patrols, and/or patrolled 100+ summer patrol miles, and/or 100+ summer volunteer hours, and/or removed the most fire rings.
Bob Lindsay (28 patrols, 242.5 miles, 6 fire rings removed)
Danny Dawidowski (23 patrols, 117 hours, 181.5 miles)
Richard Giuliani (18 patrols, 120 hours, 181 miles, 5 fire rings removed)
Patrick Lienin (12 patrols, 100 hours, 129 miles, 55 fire rings removed)
Sara Raley (12 patrols, 69 hours, 109 miles, 14 fire rings removed)
Iona Binnie (10 patrols, 79 hours, 12 fire rings removed)
Andy Gup (16 patrols, 91 hours, 105 miles, 8 fire rings removed)
Honorable Mentions: Summer 2022
These are volunteers who completed 10-19 summer patrols, and/or who patrolled 50-99 summer patrol miles, and/or completed 50-99 summer volunteer hours, and/or removed 5-10 fire rings.
Janie Stuart (12 patrols, 76 hours)
Tom Dozier (12 patrols, 55 hours)
Fiona Garvin (12 patrols, 54 hours)
George Kasynski (11 patrols, 73 hours)
Serge Goldberg (11 patrols, 61 hours)
Lincoln Gup (10 patrols, 57 hours)
Erica Churgin (10 patrols, 55 hours)
Dan Weprin (57.5 hours)
Andrew Sewell (55 hours)
Gregory Sakowicz (53.5 hours)
John Reed (5 fire rings removed)
Mike Spratt (60 hours)
Reed Weimer (56.5 hours)
Alexandra Hall (55.5 hours)
Jocelyn Sweeney (50.1 hours)
Super Volunteers: Winter 2021-2022
These are volunteers who have who have completed 20+ winter patrols, and/or completed 100+ winter volunteer hours, and/or patrolled 100+ winter patrol miles.
Danny Dawidowski (30 patrols, 210 miles)
Bob Lindsay (25 patrols, 175 miles)
Andy Gup (17 patrols, 102 miles)
Honorable Mentions: Winter 2021-2022
These are volunteers who have completed 10-19 winter patrols, and/or 50-99 winter volunteer hours, and/or patrolled 50-99 winter patrol miles.
Lincoln Gup (15 patrols, 60.5 hours, 94.5 miles)
Byron Lawrence (80 hours)
Thank you to all of our volunteers who put in the miles and hours this season!
