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Join us in protecting the wilderness

As a 501(c)(3) non-profit volunteer organization (we have NO paid staff positions!), we rely on volunteers, members of the public, local businesses, and grants for 100% of our funding needs. To learn more about our organization, visit the Our Mission page!



Support Options


Join us as a Supporter/Friend of the IPWA - starting at just $10! Any financial assistance is greatly appreciated! Donations may be made by individuals (including anonymously). Consider a recurring monthly or annual gift and check with your employer to see if they have an employer matching program. Your donation is tax deductible (check with your tax advisor for information on IRS regulations). You can also support the IPWA by donating through the Community First Foundation on Colorado Gives Day (first week of December annually).


Interested in making the IPWA part of your legacy?

Consider an estate gift by naming Indian Peaks Wilderness Alliance as a beneficiary under your will, trust, life insurance or retirement plan. For more information, contact us and consult with your estate attorney.

The Indian Peaks Wilderness Alliance values your effort and greatly thanks you for your support. Together we can help preserve and protect the Indian Peaks and James Peak Wilderness areas for generations to come.


Reghan Gillman

"As an outdoor enthusiast, Indian Peaks Wilderness is one of my favorite places to get out and enjoy the natural world! However, I also recognize my responsibility to give back and be a steward to the mountains that have given me so much. I became a member of IPWA so that I could help ensure this wonderful Wilderness area can be enjoyed by others for years to come."


Reghan G. (Feb. 2018)

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